Tracking my health problems

Created by: Lester Caine, Last modification: 02 Mar 2025 (10:46 UTC)

I have been going around in circles on some areas and the 'AI Chat' advise is to pin down just where I am currently. The blog post starts this by identifying the various apps, and an overview of their plusses and minuses. That I perhaps need to add apps to this list is what prompted the exercise. Nailing down a 'good nights sleep' has been one element and once again I was awake at 5:30, but did not get up until 6:20, 10 minutes before the alarm went off. Sorting out a night time routine is still a work in progress.

One area I am happy with is the reduction in my weight, and this morning while back up 100gm to 77.1kg having hit he NHS Weight Loss target of 77kg yesterday it's over 25% lower than I had hit. I've been aiming for 75kg since firing up that app 34 weeks ago, and while I've hit the apps 12 week targets, I'm still above where I should be. The Samsung app shows that I am above the target line and has advised that I need to be aiming for 1750kCal a day rather than the 1900 which is the minimum that the Weight Loss app allows, and the Samsung one does a much better job of managing the whole diet rather than just the calories the NHS app tracks. I think that at 36 weeks I'll just shut down the Weight Lose app and stick with the Samsung one.

Hitting a target of 20 minutes Brisk Walking a day was the plan for the Active 10 app, and I've been doing well on that having started to hit 40 minutes most days, which in theory should help with my calories target. The main question is if the physio exercises are as productive given that I am active, and while not hitting 10000 steps a day or is that 8000, I am getting a good 4500 to 5000  at 5km an hour daily. Something that the Samsung app tracks fully, while the Active 10 just counts whole minutes and it's 10 minute chunks. Another app I think I can switch off today since the data in Samsung Health shows my whole daily exercise. Both are just missing the periods I am walking around the flat as the phone is on the charger rather than in my pocket.

One of my main medical problems is my Heart, which has an irregular rhythm, but the actual blood pressure is fairly under control. The pulse rate has never agreed between the the blood pressure monitor and the finger probe. Even using the professional ones, the finger probe has regularly shown 30BPM and my personal one does today, while the blood pressure reading while tagging the erratic nature is normally a bit higher. The smart watch does show a more accurate trace during the day and night, with a stable 50BPM, but the finger probe currently is displaying a strong 30BPM main pulse with a much smaller second pulse about a third after the main pulse, most mornings. Some days this display is a more regular beat, but tracking over time of the actual situation would be useful.

Sunday morning so time for my proper wash in the communal shower over in the main block. Don't have a proper shower in the flat. Back in time to schedule my physio at 10AM ish ...

OK physio from 10:10 to 10:44 more on that in a notebook on the physio activity
Then head out for the days Brisk Walk ...