Physio Diary and notes

Created by: Lester Caine, Last modification: 02 Mar 2025 (11:08 UTC)

Back in January 2024 I had an incident over night which resulted in my right leg blowing up like a balloon, being covered with bruising and an rash. For a few days I was unable to walk around on it and ended up in a wheelchair to go over to the medical appointments. Although I think that was more just a precaution later. It took some time for the leg to go back to something normal and I stopped taking the Rivaroxaban for a while to help with reducing the bruising, but the rash persisted and there is still some scaring in the areas it covered today. Also the knee is uncomfortable all of the time. It's not painful, just irritating especially while walking and while the physio is supposed to be 'keeping it moving', the exercises involve very little actual movement, mainly just tensing some muscles.

I eventually was given an ultrasound scan, but currently I don't have a copy of those results. They did say there was 'chronic deterioration in the structures around the knee', but I've never had an explanation of what that actually means. Back in November I had an X-Ray of the knee which should 'the initial signs of arthritis' but nothing else and the exercises are based on that diagnosis, but it's not the knee joint that complains, it's all around the outside.

The exercises were provided as a link to the PhysiApp application, and irritatingly one has to access a code from the original email (for which there was no return email address) when it drops out. Not that it is any use when tracking the activity. There are 7 exercises, 3 lying down although one say's 'on a bench' which I don't have, and 4 sitting in a chair for which I'm using the office chair although it's swivel action can be a problem at times. The only other chairs I have are too low to swing my leg, and I'm still improvising with a box rather than the recomended ball as I've not been able to actually buy one yet! The foam roller is allso replaced by using the towel with a box under for a bit more height. I don't know how important the order is, but rather than moving from chair to floor every time I change exercises, I've swapped two around to have the number of location changes. As a result I've got the session down to around 25 minutes, although I don't rush between sections and could probably do it in less today. Initally it was taking a good hour, so I must be getting some benefit?

The schedule is up until April, so only a month to go and hopefully we will get to see the physio again and can see where we are. In the meantime the heart has been given an OK after the echocardiogram, but I'd like a proper explination of the letter's content ;)