Music therapy
Had a nice night out yesterday over at Coventry Cathedral listening to 'Everything Under The Sun' performing the music of Pink Floyd, and backed by the cathedral organ. It was a sell out performance and while the tickets said 8 to 10, we walked back to the car at 10:45 with the last set still playing. Back home before 12. So much for my new sleep pattern, and I was half an hour late getting up. Having had a nice chicken burger around the corner from the cathedral I was expecting to have put on weight as well, but I'm below the target that the NHS app set and only 0.4lbs over 12 stone which is also good going. Still got a little way to go to get below the 'overweight BMI' level, but close.
Getting up this morning I avoided hitting the computer first thing, and since the second delivery had arrived for the Dalek, I decided that I should get started on that and all six parts had been processed by 10 when I shot out over the other side for my weekly shower and hair-wash. I've documented all the build in pictures. Should perhaps have videoed some of it, but no longer having the good tripods, I need some method to hold the camera before I can do that. A lot of the video kit has gone missing although I do still have most of the analogue video camera's. Not that they have much use today. One is set up looking at the water meter and that is about it. Next exercise after after the physical ones is to start a new blog covering the build and I'll do that on the MEDW projects site.
Time to get out and fit my walk out of the way.