Am I stressed?
An interesting question, and one to which there is not an obvious answer. I've just been hitting Mistral again and finding that it's approach gets very irritating. So when does irritation become stress? Just as when does commenting on something become a complaint. There are currently a number of things that I could complain about and their solutions would reduce my irritation level. The one major area is tracking just where I am health wise and adding extra apps to cover meditation, mindfulness, stress management and sleep tracking is just another irritation. Was the jist of the discussion with Mistral. Top of the list chargeable options which may or may not have a British bias. That a lot of this IS covered on the NHS website is perhaps not news to me, but integrating it with the half dozen apps I'm already half using is annoyingly difficult. I need a journal and THIS is the start of that, so I don't need further apps for each area? The ideal solution from my point of view would be a chatbot/assistant that had already learnt just where I am medically and can monitor changes to that.
I woke up at 4:30 ish and went to the toilet and then could not get back to sleep, so got up and hit the computer at 5. The 'blue light' mode is on over night, but I apparently should be writing this down rather than using the computer. It's a proper log of my sleep patterns I need to establish, and writing that down over night may be necessary, but it would have been nice if the watch did that job and also fully recorded my 'steps' since the phone itself does not live in my pocket. The current set of apps all do bits of the jigsaw, but none of that coordinates with the NHS app which itself only knows about hafe of what is going on NHS wise!
Is there any point doing my obs every morning if the information is not being used anywhere? I can see the cyclic nature of my morning pulse rate and the occasional large drop in oxygen level over time but that does not match the one recorded by the blood pressure monitor. My temperature has always been just below the 'normal range', but is that a fact, or just a calibration problem with the thermometer?The only check that I am happy with is my weight which despite a few hiccups is on a nice downward trend towards the 75kg target I set myself 8 months ago. And the other measurements the scales make are now nearly all in the normal band. Just need to get a little more body fat off which is stubbornly just over the upper limit. Not that I seem to have any excess fat around my waist now.
Something to add to the TODO list is consolidating all the data I do have into one place which I am thinking today will NOT be on the phone, even if the Samsung health app does most of the key tracking, I can't extract that to somewhere useful, or can I? THAT is the next target I think! Working out next weeks menu to keep to a balanced diet rather than just recording what I have eaten. At the moment it does not seem to track calcium and iron intake properly as those amounts are zero on the nutrition data.
Anyway, the alarm has just gone of so time to get up ;)
Morning session on the Dolls House blog and the do my morning physio session, 10:20 to 10:40, so a little late but the physio app does not bother to record that anyway.
I need to make a list of what each app actually gives me and see what I can drop and what I can replace myself. That is going to save at least some time during the day.
Now out for my 'Brisk Walk' to keep one of the NHS apps happy ... but I've already reached their target weight with 4 weeks to go ... STILL aiming at my own target of 75kg which gets me into the BMI range finally.