Definitely on a Roll
posted by Lester Caine on 18 Feb 2025 (00:00 UTC)

Started working on fixing some of the niggles in Bitweaver. First step was to address the warnings that Firefox throws up when loading pages such as 'zoom is deprecated' and 'cookies need samesite entry'. In addition, ckeditor has always worked, but with warnings about already assigned or missing.

'zoom' is a css entry, and the pointers given lead to it needing to be replaced with 'transform: scale(1)'. Some of these changes do seem contorted, but hitting eclipse's global search only turned up 4 entries that needed changing and in short measure they were fixed and one warning down. Initially doing all this on the development machine, but mirroring to the live sites as that should not break anything.

The cookies one was a little more tricky as initially I was not sure where these were being created, but again Firefox gave a few pointers and it turned out to be a Javascript module that Bitweaver uses to mange all the client side functions. It was fairly easy to spot that the setCookie function could be extended to add the extra section and I've added '; samesite=lax' to the end of the cookie string. I think there needs to be a little more work here later as the suggested 'samesite=none' gave a different warning as the 'secure' flag is not set. One for another day, but know now exactly where to look ... Had to repack the .js file to min.js but even that is not difficult these days, and mirrored the change over to the live sites without issue. These are changes in the core bitweaver so all sites see the update without any further work. ( ckeditor package in bitweaver ) ( Notes on cookies here )

ckeditor is proving a little more fun. I'm using an older version and having got it working I did not worry too much about loose ends, and as a result, there are remnants several versions in the package. My own 'build' was a bit of a hotchpotch, and did not play well with the admin interface in bitweaver, but that is a separate problem. The javascript only really needs loading when a user with editor rights goes to an edit page, but it was actually being loaded by all users. Fixed the first part, so that anonymous users do not have the delay of downloading the script, so there are no follow on messages about it not being initialized until you log in. There is a flag raised by pages that use ckeditor, but linking that in needs a little more work. In addition, changes to the way ckeditor itself worked had resulted in to copies of the configuration being run. Have now killed the old set and created a new base package with only the 'current' build and associated code present. This just leaves the problem that this build was end of lifed some time back. I've had a play with version 5, but it has one fundamental problem ... no 'source' option in the inline package ... one has to subscribe to the enhanced builds to get an 'advanced' version. More of that later

In addition to the editor package being dropped, bitweaver is still based on Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 5 is now the latest build so another package that needs addressing, but that is more major surgery to the whole infrastructure and BS3 is still working fine!

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