A trying time
Having been unable to see either my mother or son before they were cremated, the death of my father a week ago was another blow. At least I was able to take the time after a 4 hour round trip down to Basingstoke to say a good bye to him. I will not cause problems by attending the funeral next week, but am waiting to here if I can at least watch in on proceedings. It would have been nice to do that for my son's funeral back in 2023, and that is something that the judicial system could do a LOT more to help facilitate! In the end it was only by the sympathy of one of the guards I was allowed to have some quite time away from the wing while his funeral was taking place.
The trip yesterday was the longest I've been in a car for some years, having regularly taken much longer runs while maintaining client systems in the past. My right leg was complaining a bit with the knee needing a little massaging after the run down, and I took a break at Newbury on the way back to get my daily walk in. I was perhaps not suprised that there seemed to be as many closed shops there as in Evesham and Coventry, with the shopping centre I parked in having very little open similarr to Riverside in Evesham. I did at least manage to pick up a couple of bits that I have been unable to buy locally and now have a ball for my physion exercises as the box I'v been using is falling apart.
At least I got a good nights sleep and I think I do need to get out a bit more to help with that in the future. Having picked up a National Trust membership I will be encouraged to get my value out of that.