Processing a disk on MusicBrainz

Tidying data returned by CDDB

Created by: Lester Caine, Last modification: 08 Feb 2025 (17:18 UTC)

I have just processed the next book - BIZET Operatic Passion (The Classic Composers - Late Romantic 5) - and my own process starts by loading it into the drive, and refresh on Dolpin. While waiting on that I go to Picard and Lookup CD. Sticking with just using one drive to avoid confusion. In this case it returned an American release with strange <<>> marks rather then " which I prefer to replace with ' for compatibility with windows. So rather than selecting the American one I start a new release. The question is perhaps should I update the American version, except that these are two different packages with different links to discogs copies. So I feel that each release should have it's own record with the correct links and references.

My catalogue is built around sets of disks, in this case there is a folder in the 'Music Classical' archive for 'Classic Composers' ( should that include the 'The' ). A second level folder could be included for the 5 subsets but at present that is replaced by having the subset in the title, in this case 'Late Romantic' of which this is book 5. The proper title should perhaps be 'The Classic Composers - Late Romantic 5 - BIZET Operatic Passion' which would then be listed in proper order as the track files are, but having the composer first has other advantages. This is all liked up also with 'standards' that Plex lay down to store material that it will catalogue, and where my online access is provided. The next step is to create the new release via 'Submit New ID' and search for the selected title which in this case does not already exist.

This creates a new record on which we can add the correct release date, country, publisher, catalogue number, format and the matching link on discogs. The next step allows you to clone the existing copy which while not as I would like will do for now, although the file names will need fixing to remove the problems caused by windows. Must remember at this point to select media type of CD as it complains when I forget, and once done, then a commit note can be added before saving. The new release can than have it's cover added, and I have scanned and processed all the covers and saved them with at title of 'Classic Composers Late Romantic 5 - BIZET Operatic Passion' which is easier to handle than the random number that gets applied once saved.

At this point I can return to Picard and run a new Lookup CD. Have to wait for a little for the data record to be saved and the picture takes a little longer as these are checked before being made active. The bit that I have not yet worked out is just what Picard does when linking the electronic copies of each track to the CDDB information. The one piece I do understand is that I can add the resulting record to the collection in MusicBrainz ... which is growing nicely.

TODO list in relation to the music collection metadata is to scan the backs of the books and add this to the UK releases. I've seen some scans of the whole book but I do think that is probably a copyright problem. Of cause I don't mind adding that to a local copy, but that needs a local server ideally.

Another thing I need to have a look at is BookBrainz since I have my 500 books already catalogued.