Getting AI under control is not difficult.

by Lester Caine
Wednesday 05 of March, 2025
Posted to Lester's Rants

Prompted by comments on an article on TheRegister, today's chat with Mistral targeted just where my chats were stored which it turns out is in the local storage on Firefox. Do I believe that the material is anonymous and will not be used elsewhere? Probably not as the chat bot does need to know what has been discussed previously in the thread so keeping it local is not accurate? But I'm not too bothered about these discussions being used as they highlight all the mistakes that are made by Mistral.

One key element in asking the questions is to include information that in an ideal world a decent 'assistant' would already have established. A previous discussion on creating a 'setup file' of key information only resulted in the advice to include it IN the questions as the thread develops, so in the case of 'Where are these chats stored on my computer?' which INITIALLY was answered as 'Chats facilitated through DuckDuckGo using the privacy layer mediated by are not stored on your computer.' Which directly contradicts the statements on chat page. Adding that information and the fact I'm using Firefox on openSUSE and a more accurate responce resulted, although it took several steps to get to the actual facts and even then, the waffle contained in the reply was only partially correct. You can NOT simply copy the information via the F12 tools in Firefox, but a script Mistral provided did produce the results, and while I'd said I needed to view this in Kate, it still provided a number of other editors which I do not need.

The advise on setting up Kate to display JSON files was equally messy, but as with the download script, trying things highlighted the correct answers. Do I have a working path to handle this? Yes. Has Mistral described that path in it's summery? No. So I need to document this myself using elements from the chat and my own inputs.