Tumbleweed is go
posted by Lester Caine on 08 Mar 2025 (00:00 UTC)

See the full write-up on the move to Tumbleweed. All seems to work, and now the initial failures have been addressed there is no pressing need to roll anything back. I just need to get stuck in updating 20 year old code so that it works with today's build of frameworks. Only requirement is that nothing really changes in the end results, leaving one wondering WHY ...

Think I need somewhere to break down all the new stuff I'm digesting, such as tidying the exif information on pictures from the Sony camera so they don't all have an Image Description of 'SONY DSC'. I have a similar problem with the phone camera, but Mistral my AI helper has come up with pointers and a script to address the problem so that having renamed all the files from the camera sequence numbers I can then push that information to the Image Description and at the same time switch from .JPG to .jpg as the file extension.

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