While I have been looking into material that will help with developing the Dolls House, other side tracks keep popping up. I need to get the Family Tree site back live again, but that needs some software work on phpgedview to clean out some of the error messages it is currently generating. All of the material is safely archived, but it is about time I started to document more of the more current changes and add important missing records. James's and my mother's death are currently missing and definitely need adding. To that end, I need to identify sites that can be useful sources of such material. Reliable United Kingdom information sites is a start at a catalogue of such sources which I can then use as references in phpgedview and my other documentation.
It is annoying when old links no longer work! In many cases such as the .gov.uk website these could quite easily be left forwarding to the new pages even where there were sub-domains involved. More annoying is when the links now go to other totally inappropriate material. The A2A website has been replaced and the old domain now hosts a gambling site, so links to it now need to be updated. I will have a look on the Internet Archive to check if any of the history has been recorded. Unfortunately I no longer have my local copies of the original material which is a another problem I need to address.
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